
We want to ensure you are integrated into our SAP systems correctly. Please read the information below to ensure you are onboarding using the correct SAP Business Network account.

What type of SAP account do I need?

At TwiningsOvo we ask our suppliers to use one of the following accounts depending upon what you supply to us. For all those suppliers providing us with direct materials we ask that you register as an Enterprise account holder and for all those suppliers providing indirect goods and services please register as a Standard account holder.

Direct Supplier vs Indirect Supplier

Direct Supplier

Direct suppliers are those that are currently providing any ingredients, packaging or other components that are found within our products on the shelf.

Examples such as – Tea leaves, botanical flavourings, tea bags, cartons or containers etc…

If you are a direct supplier, please register for a Enterprise account.

Enterprise Account

Indirect Supplier

Indirect suppliers are those that currently provide all goods and services that do not go into our finished goods.

Examples such as – Marketing services, IT hardware or software, travel services and stationery.

If you are an indirect supplier, please register for a Standard account.

Standard Account